What to Do If You Were In a Sacramento Brain Injury Accident

Have you or your loved one suffered from a brain injury incident due to someone’s negligence? If yes, you should immediately seek the help of a qualified Sacramento brain injury attorney.
Brain injuries can have a direct impact on a person’s life. A brain injury is one of the most severe injuries because of its detrimental effect. The loss of mental functions is not a rare effect in the case of a brain injury. Other than the mental function damages, there are also financial, emotional, as well as physical challenges that you have to go through. It is, therefore, an integral part of the legal system through which victims can be compensated for the traumatic time they have endured and the difficult time up ahead.
You can divide brain injuries into two categories; Traumatic and Acquired. While the acquired brain injuries are those that have been there since birth, Traumatic Brain Injuries are the ones that are a result of an external force. If a Sacramento brain injury accident has resulted in physical damages, it will categorize as traumatic brain injury. Because of such an injury, the victim can experience cognitive impairment, behavioral disorder, or even loss of physical skills. How the brain injury affects your health depends on what part of the brain conceded damages during the accident. However, you can have a Sacramento brain injury lawyer to recover the compensation for your suffering.
Most of the traumatic brain injuries occur due to accidents. Understanding what caused the accident is not as easy as it might seem. Sometimes, it is difficult to prove the negligence of the other party. Some of the common causes of a brain injury as follows:
Getting immediate medical help is extremely important if you have suffered in a brain Injury accident. Even if the emergency team confirms there is no major brain damage, it is advisable to visit a neurologist and get a second opinion. You can reduce the damage of your brain injury significantly by approaching the right people immediately. Similarly, you should get in touch with a Sacramento brain injury lawyer as soon as possible. The cost of a brain injury treatment can be significantly high. Therefore, you need to contact an experienced brain injury attorney at your earliest.
They will guide you throughout your communication with the authorities. You need to make sure that you do not agree on the first offer you get from the insurance company. Additionally, you should keep all the record of medical expenses you incurred.
Previously in California, the injured party would not be eligible to recover damages if they were found to contribute to the accident in any way. However, now California is following Pure Comparative Negligence which makes the injured applicable to file for claims even if they share some of the blame. Your attorney will help you calculate the damages that you can recover for your Sacramento brain injury. Common damages recovered include:
If the claim is against a public body, it has to go to court within 180 days of the accident. However, if the case is not against a public body, the victim has two years to file a lawsuit against the negligent party. If you file two years after the accident, your case will most likely be dismissed. A few exceptions include extending the statute of limitations for minors under 18 or for victims that were not capable mentally of filing a claim.
At *insert name*, we care for all our clients and make sure that we do our best to recover as much in damages as possible. Our skilled and experienced team of professionals is always willing to help victims going through these difficult times. Contact us today, to get professional representation from a Sacramento brain injury lawyer.