Ontario residents enjoy accessibility to a number of grocery stores and a good public school system in San Bernardo city. Ontario is famous for its hiking trails and walkways that the residents enjoy. Moreover, Ontario provides easy access to the 10 and 60 freeway. Hence, there is a high flow of traffic from within and outside of the city. Like any other city in California, you can never predict when an accident might occur while you are on the road in Ontario. Hence, it is always useful to have access to an experienced and qualified Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer.
Although a small city, Ontario ranks high in road accidents. According to the statistics shared by the California Office of Traffic and Safety, there were 2,010 reported incidents of road collisions in 2015. Out of which 189 involved alcohol consumption. Majority of these drivers were driving under influence and fell between the age of 21 and 34 years. 67 pedestrians were involved in roadside accidents, out of which 13 were below 15 years of age and 3 were 65 years or older.
While calculating the damages in an accident, you might overlook certain aspects that can be determined by an experienced Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer. In many cases, the damages are worth more than what the victim initially anticipated. However, since California is a comparative law state, the amount of claim may vary on each party’s contribution in the accident. It is, therefore, always recommended to use an Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer to avoid any surprises while filing for damages. An attorney will help you calculate the amount in damages by considering the following factors:
Your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer will take into account all your past, current, and future medical expenses while estimating damages. Your job is to seek medical help immediately after the incident has occurred. This cannot only save you from lifelong illness. Moreover, it will also provide you and your loved ones a better idea about how serious the injury is. Personal injuries that require immediate attention include brain injury, which if not treated right away can have adverse and long-lasting effects on your health.
Your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer will make sure that all your expenses are recorded appropriately and can be used effectively to recover your medical expenses.
After suffering from an injury, accident victims are not able to join their work immediately. This puts them under a lot of financial stress. Your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer can help you calculate your losses due to absence from work. In some cases, injuries like brain or back injury can limit an individual’s capability to work higher hours or lift heavy weights. In such circumstances, your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer will take into account your reduced future earning capacity while filing for damages.
Your lawyer can quantify and calculate the damages the personal injury causes by gathering the necessary information. Lawyers usually rely on doctors’ reports and your medical bills. However, what victims usually tend to overlook while calculating their damages is the mental and emotional trauma they go through after the injury. A qualified Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer will ask your loved ones and your medical provider about your mental anguish due to the accident. They will then help you file these damages in court.
While victims suffer physically due to the accident, their families suffer emotionally. In some cases, relationships are affected as well. Under the California law, the spouse of the victim is eligible to file for damages as well. Your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer can help your spouse file for loss of consortium.
Personal injury victims sometimes let their insurance providers handle their accident claims. However, insurance companies may not have regulatory knowledge and can miss out essential points in calculating the damages. Some of the ways an Ontario Personal Injury lawyer can help you in recovering your financial losses include:
Representatives from the other party, including insurance providers and legal attorneys, may use delaying tactics. Their aim is to settle the claim at a lower price. It is important that you seek help from a qualified Ontario Personal Injury lawyer. Working with a lawyer will help you keep things on track. Moreover, you can improve your chances of receiving the compensation that you rightly deserve. Besides that, while you are injured and suffering from pain, negotiation complexities are the last thing you want on your plate.
According to the statute of limitations in the state of California, it is essential that you file your claim in court within a certain time. It is therefore important to take legal help from a qualified Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer to ensure that you file your case in time. In addition, your legal attorney will make sure that your documentation is complete with all the supporting evidence to make a strong case in court.
The shock from the incident may sometime leave personal injury victims with little or no memory of the accident. However, every detail matters while filing for claims. Using their experience and resources, Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer can help you recreate the whole event. To achieve this feat, your attorney may work with expert witnesses and investigators to gain deeper insights. Eventually, your case will hold more weight in court due to strong supporting evidence.
Handing your personal injury case on your own may sometimes leave you with no option but to settle for less. Reason being the other party’s representatives including insurance providers and legal attorneys may drag your case for long. This will make it difficult for you to manage your recovery while doing all the negotiations. Your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer will ensure that everything remains on track and you able to recover all your expenses.
There are many documentary requirements during the legal proceedings that you may not be aware of. Your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer will take care of all these requirements so that your case has a solid standing in court. An experienced attorney would know what supporting facts they need to include in your case. This will eventually save you time and effort both.
As mentioned, California law requires plaintiffs to file their cases within the stipulated timelines or otherwise the court might dismiss their claims. If you are filing a complaint against a non-government entity, you have 2 years from the date of the accident to file your case. However, if your case is against a government entity, you only have 6 months to submit your claim. Your Ontario Personal Injury Lawyer will ensure that your case remains on track and he/she will file it as per the timelines stipulated by the State of California.
At Lawyer on My Side, we protect our clients’ rights in case they suffer damage due to the negligence of others. Our team of experts works tirelessly to help our clients’ interest. We make it our priority to address every minute detail that can make your case strong and help you recover your losses. Contact us for an initial consultation today!
Contact us today for a Free Case Evaluation and to speak with one of our lawyers. Our team of attorneys have recovered millions in compensation for our clients, helping them get the justice they deserve.