A Bakersfield dog bite attorney specializes in dog bite injury cases. Remember, you may be entitled to legal compensation if you have been attacked by a dog. As a dog bite victim, you should seek legal advice from a Bakersfield dog bite attorney.
In California, a dog bite is a serious incident. This is because California has a special dog bite statute. If a person is lawfully on any premises they are covered by this statute. This holds true even if the dog bite occurs on the premises of the owner.
A victim of a dog bite is legally entitled to compensable damages.
Section 3342 of the California Civil Code protects you. If you are lawfully on the property of the dog owner and you are bitten by their dog, the owner is responsible for monetary damages.
Therefore, if you have been bitten by a dog you should contact a Bakersfield dog bite attorney. A professional lawyer knows the law. A Bakersfield dog bite attorney will compile the evidence necessary to ensure you are compensated fairly.
4.5 million people in the United States are injured from dog bites every year. The Center for Disease Control states that over ¾ of a million people need medical care for dog bite accidents a year.
Dogs are one of the most common pets. As population increases and the popularity of dogs as pets goes up, accidents are expected to rise. There is a steady trend that validates this theory as figures of reported dog bites tend to rise every year.
Medical care is always the first thing you should seek. Animal bites can cause infection. Similarly, animals can pass over diseases like rabies.
Talk to your doctor about a rabies shot if the dog bite was from a feral dog.
A dog bite accident can be a terrifying experience and leave emotional scars. As an animal lover don’t let the incident go unreported because you are afraid of what may happen to the dog. As we all know, dogs that attack tend to be held by animal control. Sometimes, animal control may have to put the dog down.
Remember this is for the safety of the public. Don’t be afraid of the dog owner either. Another individual can be put at risk if you do not take action and report the dog bite accident.
When reporting to your medical provider be detailed in your descriptions. Describe accurately how the dog bite accident has affected your life. Likewise, report how the incident has affected your job, your activities of daily life and your emotional wellbeing.
Remember, a Bakersfield dog bite attorney is an animal lover and advocate. Dogs that pose a threat need to be addressed. A Bakersfield dog bite attorney doesn’t want to see cases involving children. Hence, think of reporting a dog bite incident as potentially preventing a child from harm.
In minor cases, probably the fate of the dog will be rehabilitation and extra training. Therefore, the best thing to do is report a potentially dangerous dog. This can help avoid unnecessary incidents with another person or child.
Pictures are worth a thousand words. Testifying your case before a jury can paint a picture of what happened. A picture of the wounds and damage will show them the severity of what actually occurred.
Once you have been medically attended to and are stable, contact a Bakersfield dog bite attorney to discuss your case.
Four main criteria can be used to calculate damages. A Bakersfield dog bite attorney ill be able to assess the criteria and help the court see the value in each category.
Furthermore, a Bakersfield dog bite attorney is important to your case because he will compile the necessary evidence required to prove that you deserve monetary compensation.
The four main factors in a dog-bite incident include:
The severity of injury plays a large roll in calculating compensable damages. The more severe the injury the longer it takes for you to heal. Generally this is the case. Consequently, how long it takes you to recover from your injuries is another important factor in calculating what you are owed.
Getting an estimate from your physician for how long it will take to heal is a good idea. Another thing to consider is scaring. Will your injuries leave permanent scars? Permanent scaring is cause for more monetary compensation.
This is due to the fact that insurance companies don’t pay for cosmetic procedures. Consequently, if you are self-conscious about your appearance, the only way you will be able to pay to get your image back may be pursuing a formal lawsuit.
Non-traditional medical expenses may be recoverable in your dog bite case. Keep track of all medical related expenses. You may find that you respond better to acupuncture than traditional pain management therapy. Massage therapy may help you deal with emotional damage better than the pills that will probably be prescribed by your physician.
Some expenses may not be applicable. In contrast, compile a list of everything you did and spent to recover from the dog bite accident. Chances are most if not all costs in your rehabilitation will be valid.
Finally, remember that sometimes the injury may be so severe that you may be on a particular medication for life. This is considered a life altering event. Please contact a Bakersfield dog bite attorney to ensure that you are awarded the compensable damages applicable to your circumstance.
Time off of work tends to be necessary. This is because the injuries may be severe enough to affect your ability to perform the tasks necessary for your job. An employees lost wages need to be recovered. If a child has been injured, a parent can recover the time he had to take off work to take care of his child.
The pain and suffering you endured will be worked into the calculation of damages. Monetary awards are heavily influenced by pain and suffering.
It can be hard to put a dollar amount to pain and suffering. This is why a Bakersfield dog bite attorney is necessary. A professional lawyer will convince a court of the monetary amount being attached to pain and suffering.
There is also emotional stress from any disfigurement you have suffered. Likewise, people can suddenly have anxiety and panic attacks from the sight of a dog. Sometimes just being in the vicinity of a dog can become overwhelming. As a result, this shows that the victim has taken on a phobia from the accident.
For that reason, everything needs to be taken into consideration when filing a lawsuit. Working with a Bakersfield dog bite attorney will help you get the compensation you deserve. Don’t hesitate, act now.
The statute of limitations begins when a doctor informs you that you have been injured. In a dog bite accident, the discovery of injury tends to be immediate.
Statute of limitations can differ by the type of injury. California gives two years from the time of injury to file a formal lawsuit. Don’t hesitate. Time can fly by. The recovery process may take longer than you think.
You may also feel like you don’t want to deal with any legal paperwork, courtrooms and lawyers.
You also don’t want to wait too long. When the time expires you will have no legal recourse. You may regret not getting the compensable damages that will cover your medical bills, time off work, pain and suffering and your injuries. Therefore, after two years you may be out of luck.
For that reason, contact a Bakersfield dog bite attorney now. If you wait too long the court will not entertain your request for a formal lawsuit and dismiss your case.
Our team of experienced dog-bite attorneys has an impressive record of success. As a result we are always available to help you get the compensable damages you deserve.
Your life matters. The injuries you have sustained matters. Pain and suffering matters.
A Bakersfield dog bite attorney understands your situation. The emotional and physical endurance that you have to go through as a result of a dog bite accident are traumatic.
Our skills and knowledge will surely help you heal peacefully. Do not wait another day. Contact a Bakersfield dog bite attorney to help bring your mind, body and soul at ease.
Contact us today for a Free Case Evaluation and to speak with one of our lawyers. Our team of attorneys have recovered millions in compensation for our clients, helping them get the justice they deserve.