Elk Grove is somehow a magnet for car accidents. The housing boom in the early 2000’s has helped Elk Grove develop into a great place for a middle class family to establish roots. It seems as if Elk Grove was designed and built with the family in mind. There are parks everywhere. Public libraries are also abundant. Hence, so is traffic. This is where an Elk Grove car accident lawyer comes into play.
What’s more is that that likelihood of a car accident involving two or more people seems to be increasing. Elk Grove’s popularity for the middle to upper class family settling down may be the cause. The abundance of cars on the road carrying kids to and from school, parks, daycare and after school activities seems to be on the rise.
An Elk Grove car accident lawyer hasn’t seen so many car accidents before. Not to say that Elk Grove is an unsafe place to drive, just that the town has grown into a city and the population has contributed to the rise in accidents.
Commuting is also another ingredient in the rise of car accidents. I think it is safe to say that the majority of people who reside in Elk Grove do not work there. Jobs tend to be far away and require early and long commutes. If it were just Elk Grove residents who were on the highways it would be one thing, but it’s not. Furthermore, surrounding cities and towns are also competing for the same roads to commute to their jobs.
All this congestion creates opportunities for accidents.
After an accident you deserve to be taken care of. Recovery should be where you put your effort and focus. Furthermore, you don’t need to be weighed down with legal paperwork and trying to understand your case.
Contact an Elk Grove car accident lawyer to have a loyal, trustworthy and reliable professional by your side. Likewise, rest assured you will be treated with empathy and understanding. Our mission is to treat you and your case with the highest standard of professionalism. Furthermore, our mission is to get you the compensable damages you deserve.
When it comes to accidents and personal injuries you deserve the best to represent you. An Elk Grove personal injury attorney is the best.
Remember, when an accident occurs and you or a loved one is injured, your main focus should be on recovery. Let an Elk Grove personal injury attorney handle the legal aspects of insuring you are justly compensated.
Hence, an injury is more than just the physical damages you incurred. There are also mental and emotional damages as well. Everything must be taken into consideration. Let a professional Elk Grove car accident lawyer take this load off while you recover.
A seemingly increasing trend, despite all the awareness campaigns to prevent it, is impaired driving. The news has and will always be action packed with accidents caused by impaired driving. Consequently, the cause of these accidents are due to driving under the influence. As a result, drugs and alcohol are still one of the leading causes of automobile accidents.
The majority of the drivers involved in impaired driving collisions tested positive for an illegal substance. However, there were a fair share of drivers who tested positive for legal drugs. Hence, some drivers were found abusing the legal drugs that were prescribed to them. Furthermore, they should not have been operating any machine while on their prescription drugs.
If you have been injured due to an intoxicated or impaired driver, contact an Elk Grove car accident lawyer today.
With all the accidents derived from impaired driving, there are still other causes.
People are stuck to their wireless devices. Cell phones can be compared to the trusty side-kick drones in a Star Wars movie. They are hard to live without or leave behind.
Unlike a Star Wars drone, wireless devices like cell phones are a growing cause for car accidents. As a result, California has outlawed the use of cell phones while operating a motorized vehicle. Despite the efforts, texting and checking e-mails while driving are still a huge problem as they are a cause for more and more auto accidents.
Car manufacturers have tried to make driving safer with all the new technology available. The most noteworthy effort by car makers have been including hands free connectivity.
Bluetooth is becoming a standard feature in new cars, linking an individual’s cell phone to the automobile. Drivers can speak and listen through their car’s speakers. Another great benefit is that motorists do not have to look for or use their cell phone when a call or text comes in. Everything is linked to the automobile’s fancy computer interface.
Answering calls and reading messages from the car’s speakers are allowing the driver to be less distracted while staying within the law.
Though using a cell phone in this manner is within legal limits, it can still be distracting while driving. More time is needed to fully understand whether all this new technology is really helping to decrease the number of accidents caused by wireless devices.
Speeding is and will always be a leading contender in the cause for car accidents. This trend seems to stay pretty constant.
As a car gains speed, the distance in which it can safely come to a complete stop lengthens. There is a simple rule, the faster you go, the longer it takes to stop.
If one pairs speeding with following too close behind another motorist (reckless driving) the probability for an accident goes up dramatically.
Don’t be a danger to yourself or to anyone else. By following road signs and speed laws you will be able to respond to unexpected circumstances safely.
Excessive speed in a motor vehicle falls under the category of reckless driving. If you have been injured due to a speeding motorist, an Elk Grove car accident lawyer will help you receive the compensable damages you deserve.
Believe it or not, pedestrians are statistically the most likely to die from a car accident.
Almost half of fatalities that involve a motor vehicle in major cities don’t occur in an automobile. In contrast, they happen on the sidewalk or pavement. A car that is out of control can inflict tremendous damage to a pedestrian.
Though pedestrian involvement in auto accidents are a small percentage, they make up almost half the deaths.
Again this is where speed comes into play. It takes much longer to safely stop as your speed increases. Another, is that the reaction time available to safely maneuver out of a potential accident drops significantly while speeding.
If a car is traveling at 40 miles an hour and hits a pedestrian, the pedestrian only has a 20% chance of survival. You don’t have to be fast to be fatal.
An Elk Grove car accident lawyer knows your rights. If you have been injured in an auto accident you have someone you can talk to.
Statistics can be shocking. The thing to remember is that injury and death are almost always preventable. Simply following the regulations and laws of the road will significantly reduce the chance of an accident.
Following the speed limit is easy and can save a life. After a drink, calling a cab or having a designated driver can save more than one life. Waiting to answer a call or message until you are safely stopped can save multiple lives.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury, you can seek compensable damages. Don’t wait. The statute of limitations starts ticking when you discover you have been injured. In most cases you have only two years to file a formal lawsuit.
Act now to ensure your medical expenses are covered. Recover damages for your pain and suffering. Contact an Elk Grove car accident lawyer today to get justice for the injuries you sustained in a car accident.
Contact us today for a Free Case Evaluation and to speak with one of our lawyers. Our team of attorneys have recovered millions in compensation for our clients, helping them get the justice they deserve.