Situated in the San Bernardino Mountains, is the beautiful community of Fontana. The location allows for endless, year-round entertainment and fun. This fun is perfect for an individual, for friends or, especially, for a family! As with anything fun in life there is always some risk associated with it. That is why if you or any one you know gets injured, a Fontana personal injury attorney is ready to not just hear your story, but understand your needs and help.
Fontana has so many options for outdoor activities, for example there are over 30 different parks alone. That means there is virtually unlimited opportunity to be outside and go for a walk or a run to keep yourself healthy and well. With all the time spent outside there is an increased potential that personal injury could occur.
Just as staying physically active will have benefits in all aspects of your life, a personal injury can have an impact on your whole life too. What happens when you get injured and temporality cannot conduct your job effectively? Or even worse if you permanently can’t continue your line of work?
Please contact a Fontana personal injury attorney and allow them to look at your injury, if you or a member of your family has been injured in any way. They will look at your current and past quality of life and give you the help that you need.
There is a common misconception that a personal injury case is a criminal case. This is not true; a personal injury case does not convict a party with a crime. Instead a personal injury case focuses on the accident. If you are intentionally injured by another party, that is a criminal case and not a personal injury case.
You are in the right place if you were injured because of negligence or recklessness that resulted in an accident. That is when a person can file a complaint against another person or entity (such as a business or government).
Once you contact a Fontana personal injury attorney and file a complaint, you now become the plaintiff. The person or entity you file against becomes the defendant.
It is the plaintiff’s role to prove that the defendant was acting in a reckless or negligence way. So, if the defendant can be found at fault, they could be required to make a payment to the plaintiff. This payment is known as compensation.
This is a very basic explanation of the way the system works. For the best information please contact a Fontana personal injury attorney so they can provide you with the best and most reliable information.
First and most importantly if you believe you are suffering from a personal injury make sure to see a medical professional. Next contact a Fontana personal injury attorney to get the most accurate and current information.
There are many laws within our legal system and many of these laws have to deal with injury. Realize there are specific laws that pertain to personal injury. Here is a list of some of the injuries that could fall under personal injury, this is not an all-inclusive list:
The above list is just a small sampling of what qualifies as a personal injury. It is vital to contact a Fontana personal injury attorney if you even suspect you or a family member is suffering. They will be able to tell you exactly what you need to do and what steps need to be taken. Because, they will be able to look at your unique case and establish the best way forward and discuss the possibility of compensation for damages.
What exactly is compensable damage? Simply put, compensable damage is the money that is awarded after, in this situation, a personal injury case. Many things must be considered however, when assessing compensation.
The injury needs to have caused a loss of income or distress in order for the plaintiff to be awarded compensation . For example, a person that gets a paper-cut, probably doesn’t have much of a case.
A person that misses work because of an injury due to neglect, could be an entitled to compensation. Again the compensation is there to make up for what a person would be making if it was not for the injury.
A few of the factors that are looked at when deciding on compensation are:
A Fontana personal injury attorney is the best person to interact with. They will be able to figure out what you should do and make sure you are on the best track.
The statute of limitations is the finite amount of time for a person to file a complaint after a personal injury. However, the statute of limitations completely depends on the complaint and the law. In general terms, for personal injury, there is a two-year statute of limitations.
Every state can follow a different statute of limitations; and the time starts when the injury is discovered; meaning, when you first discover you are injured, you need to start the process. If you do not, you might not be able to file a complaint.
Here is an example: A Plaintiff has two years to file a lawsuit for personal injuries in Texas. However, a lawsuit involving slander or libel has a one year statute of limitations. Again every state can be different and this is just an example.
The law is incredibly hard to understand and master. That is true when it comes to personal injury law too. Unlike criminal cases, personal injury cases do not, generally, use Penal Codes. If you are using Penal Codes, the case is probably in the realm of a criminal case.
As stated before, personal injury cases are not criminal cases. If you have been the victim of a crime contact a criminal attorney. A personal injury case is when your injury is caused by the negligence, carelessness or recklessness of another individual or entity.
Have you been physically or emotionally hurt? Contact a Fontana personal injury attorney. Because these attorney are the professionals that will know how to navigate the law. Do not try to do it alone, let a Fontana personal injury attorney help you understand your options.
Finally, help means having a Fontana personal injury attorney review your situation at no cost. Every personal injury is different just like every case is different. It is easy to try and fight through the pain; you don’t need to. Get the help you need.
Remember, the statute of limitations is running out faster than you think, therefore don’t wait any longer to find out what can be done.
Get the settlement that will help get your life back on track. Because, there is no need to feel stressed over the lost wages and mounting bills. Please contact a Fontana personal injury attorney now.
Contact us today for a Free Case Evaluation and to speak with one of our lawyers. Our team of attorneys have recovered millions in compensation for our clients, helping them get the justice they deserve.