San Diego Personal Injury Lawyer
A San Diego personal injury lawyer will tell you that their city is a city of attraction. From the white sandy beaches to the thrilling theme parks and seemingly endless nightlife, Sand Diego has a lot to offer.
Unfortunately it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt. If you find yourself missing out on all that San Diego has to offer because you suffered from a personal injury, we can help.
A San Diego personal injury Lawyer can be reviewing your case almost immediately once you are ready to take the necessary steps to seek compensation.
Lawyers in San Diego play hard but work even harder. Get the help you need so you can begin enjoying the beauty of San Diego again.
Remember that your quality of life is more than just your physical health. Your mental and emotional disposition is just as important. Everything needs to be taken into account to ensure that you or your loved one gets the compensation they deserve.
We are affiliated with the best law firms in San Diego and can match you with the most qualified attorneys to take on your case.
How is a personal injury case different from other cases?
To start, a personal injury case is centered on a private individual. That individual is in charge of getting the ball rolling by filing a complaint. This differs greatly from criminal cases which are overseen by the government.
The private individual must have been harmed by another person, corporation, government agency, etc. that acted negligent or irresponsible in some way in connection with the accident.
The person who was injured or harmed and filed the grievance is the plaintiff. The person or business entity who is presumably at fault is the defendant.
A San Diego injury lawyer is vital in navigating the many legal steps that can be daunting without a knowledgeable professional to help them avoid the pitfalls.
A San Diego personal injury lawyer can help you file a formal lawsuit quickly and efficiently to help prevent any setbacks or delays.
A formal lawsuit can take some time, especially when the defendant knows they are at fault and strategizes to evade a lofty payout.
Since we are partnered with the best law firms in San Diego, our attorneys can push for an informal settlement to provide you with compensation in a timely matter. When time is of the essence this may be the best scenario for you.
The majority of personal injury cases are resolved by early settlement. If the plaintiff and defendant can agree to work things out through an appropriate amount of money then the case can be settled outside of court.
The settlement or ‘agreed upon compensation’ is usually much less than the potential compensation that may have been awarded through a complete formal lawsuit, but time and expenses are to be taken into account as well.
Again this is why consulting a San Diego personal injury lawyer is paramount to your unique situation and needs.
What kind of injuries are considered personal injuries?
It is best for a trained San Diego injury lawyer to answer these questions, but generally, laws that oversee personal injury may be relevant to any injury that an individual, business or entity inflicts upon a private individual. We will discuss compensable damage later.
Here are some common causes of personal injury that may permit compensation in a lawsuit:
Personal injury law covers any situation in which the following occurs:
Was the person or entity that caused you harm responsible for your safety? Depending on the situation, there are different levels of wrongful conduct that can lead to liability.
Was there an appropriate amount of consideration and care taken by the person or entity involved in the accident to not harm you? Or was it their carelessness that caused the accident to begin with?
Was there disregard to your safety? If an emergency service vehicle was involved in causing an accident that involved injury, was the emergency service professional behind the wheel reckless?
Assault without just cause. Picking a fight versus self-defense. Did someone hit you unprovoked without fear for their safety?
Products that were manufactured incorrectly and are defective can be dangerous. Were you injured using a defective product?
What is meant by compensable damages?
A San Diego personal injury lawyer will advise that compensable damages are the monies that a plaintiff will be awarded by suing the person or entity that wrongfully injured them.
There are instances when a person may suffer an injury caused by a person or entity and there will not be enough indicators for compensable damages to be awarded.
If the plaintiff only suffered minor, superficial injuries that did not upset the plaintiffs’ ability to perform activities of daily life, then compensation may not be warranted.
For example, a paper cut is not an injury that would warrant a law suit. I don’t believe any lawyer would be willing to take on a client who intended to sue another person or entity for a wrongful paper cut.
On the other hand, if a person was in an auto accident and suffered a neck injury do to the negligent driver who caused the accident, then the scenario would have merit in pursuing legal compensation.
All factors would need to be examined by professional lawyers. A San Diego injury lawyer can compile all the details to present a case that would award you the compensation you deserve.
A San Diego personal injury lawyer is waiting to hear from you to get started on your case now.
What are the statute of limitations for filing a formal lawsuit?
A statute of limitations is the amount of time a plaintiff has to file a formal lawsuit. A San Diego personal injury lawyer will tell you that once a person discovers that they have been injured in an accident, they are on the clock. If the person decides to wait too long to file a lawsuit against the person or entity that caused them harm, they might forfeit all compensable damages that could have been awarded to them.
Statute of limitations are determined by state law. They also differ by the type of injury. Assault may have a different time frame than slander. A personal injury will tend to have a different time frame then a sex crime.
The best thing for you to do is reach out to a San Diego personal injury lawyer so they can help get the ball rolling and ensure you are able to get the necessary paperwork submitted before any deadlines are overdue.
What are the laws governing personal injury cases?
The court has the most jurisdiction in determining the outcome for a personal injury case. The next way cases can be resolved are by treatises written by legal scholars. Penal codes don’t hold any merit within a personal injury case because penal codes help govern criminal cases.
A personal injury case is not a criminal case. The plaintiff may feel they are the victim of a crime because they have been harmed, but a personal injury case is centered on the negligent or reckless behavior of another person or entity involved in the accident.
Things may start to get confusing, but that is why a Sand Diego personal injury lawyer should be consulted to coach you through the process.
How we can help
You are special and so is your case. There is nothing cookie cutter about a personal injury lawsuit. Every case is different, just like every individual is different.
A San Diego personal injury attorney can free you from any doubts on whether you have a case or not. If you do have a case, you will have a professional lawyer by your side helping you step by step. Take action today, have a free evaluation of your case done now.
Contact us today for a Free Case Evaluation and to speak with one of our lawyers. Our team of attorneys have recovered millions in compensation for our clients, helping them get the justice they deserve.